Sunday, April 10, 2011

Marric Studios...

Hello! The latest news is that I am at Marric Studios in Flagstaff on 22 W. Birch at the corner of north San Francisco St. and Birch St. The shop is right next to Vino Loco! And I am doing very well over there... Luckily I had a lot of stuff to put in there so I didn't have to work too hard! But I need to get into that little studio and work on some glass!

The good news is that I was soldering a lot! So I will see if I have anything to show... iF we are lucky, some photos will appear! But as a photographer, I am not the best! Nor the most on task! ...even better news, I was asked to take my stuff into another studio in the Village of Oak Creek!! And this guys sells a lot of jewelry! Thank you tourists!

Unfortunately I don't have much more to tell, so I will touch base again soon...

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